Certs and stuff

September 28, 2007 at 12:48 pm (Active Directory, Exchange, Microsoft, Sysadmin) (, , , , , )

So I haven’t posted in a while, just been too busy to focus much on this blog. I’ve managed to get my MCSA 2003 Certification with both the Messaging and Security specializations so now I’m just three exams short of my MCSE which I hope to have completed in a few months. Alot of people have negative attitudes towards Certifications, pointing to the horders of “Paper MCSEs” ad the like out there.

Personally I’ve found that studying for these certs has been extremely informative for me, and I’ve learned a lot of useful information that I’ve been able to apply to my job. Learning more about things like CAs, IPSec, Securing DNS etc has benefited both me as an Admin and of course the Company I work for. I feel this is an often overlooked aspect of certifications – ideally studying for them means you actually LEARN something.

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